Thursday 6 March 2014

A Step In The Right Direction.

As a lover of fashion and someone who's wardrobe is full of impractical necessities, I have found that my busy lifestyle takes its toll on my footwear. I find, as do most fashion consumers; that I will purchase fast fashion impulsively, because it fulfills that overpowering desire to have something new and pretty in the wardrobe, rarely considering the practicality of my purchases.

Over a year ago I adopted a very bouncy, messy and energetic springer spaniel. And in order to maintain the welfare of my home, I found I needed to walk him frequently. But since over a year ago; I decided not to purchase sensible footwear for these additional excursions. This has resulted in the condemning of my shoes too the muddy, puddly heath land.

After consideration and the sacrifice of many lovely shoes and boots, I felt it time to purchase a more sustainable answer to my problem. 

The answer was these bad boys.....................

If the reviews and rumors are correct, these beautiful Timberland boots should withstand the test of time. As should they be a starting point for my new style blog. I feel i need to change my ways when it comes to purchasing fast fashion and start considering the effect my purchases are having on not only on my unsustainable wardrobe, but also the environment and local businesses. 

 This life lesson will not however compromise on style, I will be keeping up to date with the latest trends, finds and design concepts, which will hopefully develop into an enriching journey of fashion, sustainability and style.

Keep posted to hear how the journey (and the boots) get on!

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